We all feel lonely sometimes and we can often find it difficult to talk about. 13th-17th June is Loneliness Awareness Week and at Sarah’s Coffee Shop, we want to help end the stigma by talking about social isolation and sharing ideas of how you can better connect with others.
The importance of social connection
Social connection is really important for our well-being. Lockdowns, working from home and staying two metres apart made us all realise how much we need to make connections with others.
We didn’t just miss out on seeing our friends and family, but also those brief interactions with people in the supermarket queue or with your barista when getting a coffee, which can really lift your mood.
You can always pop into Sarah’s Coffee Shop for a cuppa and a chat - Alice and I love chatting to all of our customers as it really brightens our day!
Breaking the stigma
Even though life is getting back to normal and we are able to socialise freely again, we can still sometimes feel isolated and disconnected.
It can feel hard to reach out to others, that’s why Loneliness Awareness Week is all about ending negative views around social isolation.
We all need to remember that loneliness can affect anyone, and it’s not something to be ashamed of. Starting a conversation about loneliness can help to end this stigma and mean we are all able to reach out for support when we need it.

Finding social connections
So how can we connect with others more to avoid feeling lonely?
The Marmalade Trust, who run the Loneliness Awareness campaign, have lots of helpful resources. They suggest connecting with others who have similar interests as you by joining a group, such as a painting class or volunteering at an animal shelter.
Or you could try something you’ve always wanted to have a go at and meet new people at the same time!
At Sarah’s Coffee shop we believe in the power of a cuppa and a chat – you are always welcome to pop in for some all-important social connection, and delicious food and drink!
If you need urgent mental health support, you can call Samaritans on 116 123.