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Welcome to Sarah’s Coffee Shop! I’m Sarah and I’m the owner of Sarah’s Coffee Shop (no surprise there!) So how did all this happen? 

Well, I’m a mum of two and a qualified accountant and being on maternity leave with my second baby I was trying to decide what to do with my career. I have always wanted to work for myself and had looked at setting up a coffee shop a year ago but at the time it didn’t happen (and it turned out I was pregnant so probably best I didn’t!). 

At the start of the pandemic, when we were all wondering how things were going to pan out, I took a phone call and was offered the chance to take on the shop. At first I thought it was a crazy idea given the world we were living in but then I thought that everything had gone a bit mad anyway so why not!

And so the vision I have had in my head for a while has become a reality! The wheels on Sarah’s Coffee Shop were in motion and I was excited to see what I could offer!



Not that long ago I worked on Severalls Business Park myself, and there was nowhere to pick up my caramel latte in the morning (much needed being a mum)! Nor was there anywhere I could ‘pop’ to in between meetings to pick up a nice sandwich at lunch. So, I wanted to provide for that gap in the market; a good coffee and a decent bite for lunch, served quickly and efficiently so people can get back to work.

I am super excited to be bringing Sarah’s Coffee Shop to the people of Severalls Business Park and hope you love it as much as I do. I have personally tested the sandwiches and cakes (it's a tough job!) and am proud to be using local suppliers who want to provide the good quality products I think you will love.

Please come along and see us and if you have any feedback, good or bad, then we would like to hear it. After all we are here for you and want to be getting it right!

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